June 28, 2006 – Summer Weather?
We left Wrightsville Beach early Sunday morning with Seaview. The

Again on Monday we motored through a dark, drizzly day, and found a remote creek to anchor in overnight, before crossing the exposed Pantego Sound on Tuesday morning. Since the forecast was for increasing winds on Tuesday, we crossed the Sound early in the day and had a good trip with a brisk sail. After the crossing, we decided to go to a marina in Belhaven, NC, where we could do internet and laundry and walk ashore into town. With some difficulty in the stiff breeze we managed to tie up alongside the marina dock about noon, and Cliff was having second thoughts about the wisdom of being there.
At about three in the afternoon, a storm came in, and we experienced perhaps the worst weather of the entire trip, with torrential rains, 50 knt wind, and huge whitecaps coming over the breakwater and crashing into the boats at the dock. A couple of boats were damaged and a Nordhaven cruiser snapped off two pilings and a finger dock. Because Skylark was tied alongside on the downwind side, we survived intact, and while the storm raged, I was inside the big colonial inn at the marina, not on the boat. After four days of rain we were ready to put the boat on a truck sooner rather than later and head for home and a pleasant northwest summer. Of course there is the p

We managed a day without rain yesterday, and so far today it has been dry, but hot and muggy. But as I write, there is thunder and lightning around us. We are in the Elizabeth City town docks, the “Harbor of Hospitality”, and again we are wondering if we wouldn’t be better out on the anchor. This eastern summer weather is the pits!
I am sorry you had such unpleasant weather when you visited Elizabeth City. I hope you will come back and visit though.
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