Friday, June 20, 2008

June 15, 2008 -- Through the Rapids

Today our timing is critical as we must go through the Yucultas Rapids at precisely slack tide, which lasts about 10 minutes. The current at maximum flow in this area runs from 10 to 14 knots. We run at 6 or 7, so there is no contest!

In 1792, the early Spanish explorers Galiano and Valdes reported in their log:

The Indians came and accompanied us (The Sutil and the Mexicana) in their canoes serving as pilots. We seized the opportune moment and were shortly beyond the most critical point, but the tide which had not stopped except for a moment, began to acquire force and reached the Sutil. It took away her steerage-way and began to carry her along . . . .then a new eddy carried her off through the canal where the currents were violent and the whirlpools frequent and so strong that one, which the Sutil could not avoid, turned her around completely three times, at such a lively rate as to be surprising. . . . In spite of the danger in which the Sutil so unexpectedly found herself, a scene never before witnessed by any of those present, it unavoidably caused great laughter, not only among those who were in danger, but among those who were momentarily expecting to be.

While waiting for the slack, we see dozens of eagles circling and picking up small fish caught in the tidal eddies. Because the depth sounder shows lots of big fish below us, we again try trolling, but still no luck!

Through the first set of rapids, we go in to the new community dock at Stuart Island (50-23 125-08). Sadly, the friendly Big Bay Resort no longer exists, but the new dock, though basic, is very pleasant.