Monday, June 30, 2008

Thursday and Friday, June 19 and 20 – Port McNeill Dock

We’ve had the luxury of three nights at the dock – electricity, heat, water, and all the conveniences of town. Port McNeill is very boater friendly, having nice restaurants, IGA, Rona, a very good Laundromat with free internet, a drug store, beauty salons, and other stores just across the street from the dock. We took full advantage and spent two busy days there.

On the advice of Grahame and Shirley, at Rona we purchased a Sirius radio and subscribed to the service for the next three months. Now in the most remote inlets we can receive, via satellite, a hundred radio channels with a wide selection of music, news, and talk shows. What a treat! We listen to CBC in the morning to hear what is happening in the world, and can even find out what the weather is in Vancouver.

Finally the jobs are done and the weather sounds favorable for crossing Queen Charlotte Strait in the morning. The sun is setting at 10:00 pm and we take a lovely sunset shot from the dock.