Friday, August 08, 2008

August 1 – Happy Birthday, Cliff

As we are preparing to leave the dock in Wrangell, a young fishboat crewman brings us a beautiful sockeye salmon. Now we have salmon and halibut in the refrigerator, have done laundry and grocery shopping, filled diesel, gasoline, propane and water tanks, and are ready to go. The weather is cloudy, mild, and DRY as we retrace our path to Berg Bay.

Except for the bugs, we are alone in the anchorage at Berg Bay. Using the salmon head for bait, we set out the crab trap, and a couple of hours later we bring in a beautiful big Dungeness and about twenty baby flounders. The flounders are returned to the sea; the crab goes into the pot.

We celebrate Cliff’s birthday with a delicious dinner: crab legs, barbequed salmon, fried potatoes, peas and squash. No birthday cake, though.