Tuesday, July 15, 2008

July 10-11 – Meyers Chuck and Santa Ana Inlet

We make a last trip to town in Ketchikan to see if we can replace our squashed prawn trap, (no luck) then stop at Safeway to top up our groceries. The sun is coming out, and we are happy to get away from the dock to continue our northward journey.

We decide to troll around the point into Ernest Sound, and after a half an hour, we finally CATCH A SALMON!! -- just the right size for dinner. That will be salmon dinner two nights in a row. We usually catch fish with Rick and Sharon at Lake of the Woods, and we are pleased to return the favour here in the Pacific Ocean.

Our anchorage at Meyers Chuck is in a beautifully sheltered bay, surrounded by a surprising mix of shacks, cottages, and big houses. There is a large government dock with plenty of room, but we decide to anchor out, and we have a delicious salmon feast to celebrate our 43rd anniversary.

On Friday, we awake to a cloudless, warm morning. Cliff goes for an early morning row in the dinghy, and meets a lady at the dock who is selling cinnamon buns. What a treat to have for breakfast in the sunshine on the deck.

We fish along the shore and again catch a salmon and a small rockfish. That will be salmon dinner three nights in a row! Tomorrow we’ll have pork chops.

Tonight’s anchorage at Santa Anna Inlet is pristine and beautiful. We bushwhack through the rainforest, shaking bear-scaring noisemakers as we go, to Lake Helen, a short distance inland, and get back to the boat just before the rain begins again.