Wednesday, August 20, 2008

August 15-16 – Sailing Buddies

Shirley and Grahame decide to leave Prince Rupert on Monday to start on their trip south, but we prefer to wait out the weather in the relative comfort of the marina. After three more rainy, windy days, rafted three deep at the dock, we finally free our lines and head out, traveling in company with Pierre and Danielle on Lyla, and a young Camppell River couple, John and Naomi, on Renova. The weather clears up, giving us a beautiful trip down Grenville Channel. Our first stop is at Kumealon Inlet, a lovely, serene anchorage where we are the only boats. We barbecue salmon and spend a pleasant evening together on Skylark.

In the morning, we are enveloped in thick fog. To help find his way back, Cliff takes the GPS with him as he goes out in the dinghy to retrieve the crab trap. We are rewarded with two good-sized crabs, which Cliff cleans and Orma cooks and shells so we can have crab salad for lunch.

At about 10:00 the fog lifts and we continue motoring south to Hartley Bay. The weather is still beautiful, so after the boats are tied up we all take a walk along the boardwalks of this quiet town, then have a late dinner and an early night.