Monday, June 30, 2008

Sunday, June 22 – The Dreaded Cape Caution

The water is like glass as we leave Miles Inlet. Unlike the Caribbean, this coast has so many nooks and crannies that most anchorages are absolutely calm and protected.

We encounter large, short swells from the open Pacific as we get out into the Strait. It feels like riding a rocking horse. Cliff hoists the sail to help steady the boat, and as we round Cape Caution the swells subside, allowing a superb sail for a few hours.

Our destination is Fish Egg Inlet, where we choose Green Island Anchorage. We drop the prawn trap before we enter the inlet. Hope springs eternal.

We have the anchorage to ourselves until late in the day when two more boats enter. This very photogenic spot lends itself to some artistic attempts.

Shirley and Grahame come over for dinner and beat us at Hearts again.