Thursday, June 26 – The wettest day yet!

After the pleasant weather yesterday, we awake to drizzle and fog. We pick up our crab trap (one non-keeper) and motor back down Dean Channel. At times Tangleberry tucks in behind us as we follow radar through the fog, and at other times we follow Tangleberry through tricky Gunboat Passage, because they have a deeper keel (if they don’t hit a rock, we won’t!), and a GPS chartplotter which shows our precise location on the chart. We turn on our anchor light because we have seen a couple of very low-flying airplanes, and we want to make it easier for them to see us.
We stop briefly at Sheerwater, a fishing resort and marine repair facility, to use our cellphones, then motor across for a look at Bella Bella. It doesn’t look very inviting, so we continue on in the rain and fog to our anchorage at
When the sun comes out again, I will apply another can of waterproofing.
To avoid a wet dinghy trip between boats, we decide to raft together in the anchorage and have dinner together on Skylark. But the anchorage is just off the main channel, and when the BC Ferry, Northern Adventure, goes by, we rattle together quite violently. We fear there may be cruise ships going by overnight, so after dinner we move away and anchor on our own.
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