We leave Hartley Bay in sunshine and have a great ride up Grenville Channel, riding the flood tide all morning with a south-east breeze. We sail under mainsail alone on smooth water for over an hour at speeds approaching 9 knots, gybing every 15 minutes or so as the wind shifts back and forth. Finally we have a hard gybe, breaking three plastic sail slugs (things that attach the sail to the mast), so the fun ends and we motor the rest of the way to
Lewis Island anchorage, just 20 miles from Prince Rupert. We will order new sail slugs from Vancouver and have them couriered to P.R.
This will be our last evening anchored with Tangleberry, so Shirley and Grahame row over and we have barbecued hamburgers on Skylark, enjoying the quiet, broken only by distant booms of fireworks in Prince Rupert.
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