Friday, July 04, 2008

Monday, June 30 – Majestic Mountains and Hartley Bay Hospitality

We still have blue sky and sunshine. The scenery today is breathtaking as we motor up one side of Gribble Island and down the other side along Verney Passage. After a while we stop counting major waterfalls. The breeze comes up and we sail for an hour or so, then we take a right turn into the native village of Hartley Bay, famous for having rescued the passengers on the ill-fated Queen of the North a couple of years ago.

We decide to stop early today and stay here. When the fuel pump attendant returns after siesta, we are pleased to discover that there is no charge for moorage or power at the dock. This is a first!

We walk through the village on well-maintained boardwalks. Transportation here is by ATV, golfcart, motorbike, bicycle, or foot. We go to the home of a lady we have been told sells bread. Belle invites us inside for a nice visit, and tells us about her family. She says many of the young people leave for Prince Rupert and get into drug problems there. Those we see in town are bright and attractive.

The town children enjoy the summer weather and are having fun in the water, jumping off the dock, the roof, the raft, and even Grahame’s boat.

We had yesterday’s catch for dinner on Skylark, and later took a run – because the black flies were so bad – through town to take some photos. We are thankful for the screened-in cockpit on our boat.